Under the insurance agreement there can be insured:
Damage to the Insured's property interests as a result of:
- damage or loss of property within insurance period and insurance territory;
- occurrence of the Insured’s civil liability for causing damage to the life, health and/or property of third party within insurance period when using insured property.
The damage is compensated in the following order:
- in case of loss (total loss) of property - in the amount of property’s actual value as of the date of occurrence of insurance event but not more than insurance amount.
The insurer has the right to compensate for damage by in-kind contribution within the limit of insurance indemnity.
- in case of occurrence of the Insured’s civil liability - in the amount of damage caused to the third party determined by court decision or by agreement of the parties.
If the Insured has received compensation for damages from third parties, the Insurer pays only the difference between the amount received from third parties.