April 1994 - Uzbekinvest National Insurance Company was established

November 1994 - establishment of Uzbekinvest International Insurance Company (London) to provide insurance protection to foreign investors against political risks.

1995-1996 – establishment of territorial branches and representative offices network operating in all regions of the republic.

February 1997 – reorganization of the Company into Uzbekinvest National Export-Import Insurance Company according to the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

May 1997 – establishment of Uzbekinvest Sarmoyalari investment company.

August 1997 – establishment of Uzbekinvest Eximinform marketing agency.

October 1997 - Uzbekinvest NEIIC became a member of the International Union of Credit and Investment Insurers (Berne Union), a section of Eastern European countries.

March 1998 - the agreement with ELVIA international assistance company (Switzerland) was signed to provide reciprocal medical, technical and legal assistance services in the foreign countries.

October 1999 - Uzbekinvest NEIIC together with the Ministry for Foreign Economic Relations of Uzbekistan held international conference on "Issues of Facilitating Export Promotion".

April 2000 – establishment of Uzbekinvest Assistance service agency to provide medical, legal and technical assistance services to individuals and legal entities of Uzbekistan.

May 2000 - Uzbekinvest NEIIC had organized and hosted the meeting of export credit agencies (ECAs) of Central and Eastern Europe of the International Union of Credit and Investment Insurers (Berne Union) in Tashkent.

September 2001 - the Sales Center was launched to sell insurance policies to individuals.

September 2001 - the agreement between Uzbekinvest NEIIC and Coris International Assistance Company (France) was signed on provision of mutual services in medical, technical and legal assistance in the CIS and Baltic countries.

November 2002 - Sugurta Olami, insurance business training centre, was established.

December 2002 - license № 00001-SF on providing insurance services was obtained.

September 2003 - "ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management Systems: Benefits and Ways of Implementation" information conference for exporters was held in cooperation with Certification Network MC GmbH (Germany) consulting company and Uzbekinvest Eximinform Marketing agency and under the aegis of the Complex of Foreign Economic Relations of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

December 2003 - Uzbekinvest company became the first company in financial services market of Uzbekistan to receive confirmation of compliance of its quality system to ISO 9001:2000 standards and certificate of RW TUV (Germany) international certification body which was recognized worldwide. The availability of such certificate leads to increase of trust and recognition by world insurance business leaders, expansion of company's presence in the reinsurance market and its successful integration into international insurance community.

December 2003 – establishment of Uzbekinvest Hayot life insurance company with the charter capital equivalent to USD 500 thousand. The purpose of establishment was to improve social support to broad segments and groups of population and develop new basis for long-term and cumulative life and health insurance mechanisms in accordance with the international standards.

December 2003 - Uzbekinvest company together with KUKE, Export Credit Insurance Corporation held Uzbek-Polish business seminar within the framework of the Third meeting of Uzbek-Polish Intergovernmental Commission on trade-economic and scientific-technological cooperation. The main focus of the seminar was to discuss the issues of cooperation in the sphere of foreign economic activity, in particular, use of export-import credit insurance in foreign trade relations between Poland and the Republic of Uzbekistan.

April 2004 - Uzbekinvest achieved 10th year! The international business forum on “The Role of Insurance in Creating Unified System of Stimulating Foreign Economic Activity” was organized and held by Uzbekinvest company in order to share experiences and develop main directions of improvement and stimulation of foreign economic activity system of the republic within the framework of the integration process of the Republic of Uzbekistan into international community. Also, the significant event within this business forum was signing by the insurance companies of the Republic of Insurers’ Professional Ethics Code under initiative of Uzbekinvest. This code represented standards of the best practice of civilized behavior in business. The code was signed by 12 insurance companies of the republic.

At the beginning of 2005 – obtaining of the license N SF № 00045 of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan for insurance activities in such insurance classes as railway insurance, marine insurance and liability insurance within marine insurance and insurance of costs related to legal protection.

From 24th January to 14th February, 2006 - Uzbekinvest company held “Export Operations Insurance” business seminars in all regions of the republic and Tashkent city. Besides the companies directly involved in export-import operations, the specialists of Ministry for Foreign Economic Relations, Investment and Trade of Uzbekistan, commercial banks, Chamber of Commerce and State Customs Committee also took active part in seminars.

By the results of 2005 and 2006 - The company was awarded uzA+ rating (very high financial stability), the highest among insurance companies of Uzbekistan.

October 2006 – establishment of the Information Service in the Company’s structure to follow the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan № 203 "On Measures to Develop Public Relations of State and Economic Bodies" dated by 22nd September 2006.

March 2007 - the Company received certificate of its Quality Management System’s compliance with ISO 9001:2000 International standards from SGS Tashkent Ltd. (Switzerland) international certification body. Receipt of this certificate once again confirmed that the company had followed the line of improving services quality and competitiveness according to demands and expectations of its customers.

April 2007 - The Company held briefing to mass media (the press, television) dedicated to the 13th anniversary of the company in order to improve favorable public perception of image and reputation of the company in the market, increase the role of insurance and insurance awareness among the public. The Company made presentation on insurance of various business lines and long-term insurance at the briefing.

September 2007 - Uzbekinvest company won two nominations such as “Continuous Improvement” and “The Best Representative of Top Management by QMS” in Yalta international seminar organized by SGS (Switzerland) certification body. This fact once again confirmed that the leading positions of the company in the market resulted from correct management strategy oriented on quality.

June 2008 - By the results of 2007, Uzbekinvest NEIIC was awarded uzA++ rating (high level of solvency with a positive outlook) by Akhbor-Rating (Interbank rating company) which was the highest rating on the national scale.

October 2008 - Based on independent analysis of financial solvency of insurance company by the results of 2007 conducted by SAIPRO company’s specialists, Uzbekinvest NEIIC was awarded uzA++ rating (excellent financial reliability) which was the highest rating on the national scale among national insurers.

October 2008 - Uzbekinvest NEIIC held briefing for mass media and partners aimed at fulfillment of “On Obligatory Insurance of Vehicle Owner’s Civil Liability” Law to explain social significance and all conditions and procedures of the implementation of compulsory insurance. Following the requirements set by the legislation for compulsory insurance, the Company announced start of vehicle owner’s civil liability obligatory insurance policies sale from 22nd October 2008.

December 2008 - Uzbekinvest started new phase of its advertising campaign, having developed and applied new corporate style (brandbook) in its advertisement introducing a new logo and general slogan (short promotional phrase) entitled “Insurance works!”. When positioning the Company to foreign partners, the company’s name remained as “UNIC” abbreviation being positioned along with the new logo as the new logo became the link between the two names of one company – Uzbekinvest and UNIC.

January 2009 - Moody` s Investors Services Ltd. (UK) has assigned Uzbekinvest NEIIC the international rating of financial stability at B1 level with "Stable Outlook". Uzbekinvest company was the first and the only insurance company in Uzbekistan which obtained international rating.

January 2009 - As part of implementation of “On Obligatory Insurance of Vehicle Owner’s Civil Liability” Law Uzbekinvest company continued to open new representative offices and insurance outlets for sale of obligatory insurance policies throughout the country. Thus, to ensure the availability and efficiency of insurance services for clients - vehicle owners in the center of Tashkent - the head office of Uzbekinvest company opened the point of policies sales for vehicle owner’s civil liability obligatory insurance.

April 2009 - Uzbekinvest celebrates its 15th anniversary! A 15-year experience had given very positive results. At the event dedicated to anniversary, valuable prizes were presented to the winners of “1000th client” marketing action held as drawing among clients. Moreover, following corporate traditions taking into account harmonious combination of moral and material incentives, the most distinguished employees by the result of their work were awarded with diplomas.

April 2009 – By the results of 2008, Akhbor-Rating and SAIPRO rating agencies renewed Uzbekinvest NEIIC rating of uzA++ with “stable” outlook reflecting “High level of insurance company’s solvency with positive respectives” and “Excellent financial reliability” being the highest rating among national insurance companies.

February 2010 - Uzbekinvest has moved to the new office building at 2, A.Kodiry str. Convenient office location in the center of the capital (Alay bazaar place) as well as accommodation of its divisions in the new building - Tashkent city branch and Uzbekinvest Hayot insurance company - allowed to increase efficiency and integrity of insurance services provided to existing and potential customers.

April 2010 - Uzbekinvest NEIIC - 16 years in insurance market! Remaining one of the largest and prospering insurance companies in domestic market throughout its history, Uzbekinvest company was able to achieve success in building relations with the clients the main result of which was the trust of thousands of customers and partners.

April 2010 – In the III International Insurance Forum organized by SAIPRO, Uzbekinvest NEIIC became the double winner in “Oltin soyabon” contest in such nominations as “For the Personal Contribution to Insurance Development" and “The Best Director of the Regional Branch of Insurance Company in 2009”. The winners were Kamil Khasanov, General Manager of Export Risks & Investment Insurance Department, and Saidolim Nasretdinov, Director of Uzbekinvest NEIIC branch in Tashkent city, working since the very beginning of Company’s activities and being professionals in their work.

September 2010 - Uzbekinvest hosted seminar on implementation of “On Vehicle Owner’s Civil Liability Obligatory Insurance” and “On Employer's Civil Liability Obligatory Insurance” Laws.

December 2010 - Uzbekinvest Assistance service agency introduced new Call-center automative system based on IP-telephony developed on the standard platform. Its uniqueness was in uninterrupted customer service minimizing the human factor, and creation of automatic database for each client.

February 2011 - Uzbekinvest successfully passed supervisory audit for conformity of its Quality Management System to ISO 9001:2008 requirements conducted by SGS international certification body (Switzerland).

March 2011 - Participated in the Banking Forum organized by the Fund for Reconstruction and Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Uzbekneftegaz NC and JV “Uz-Kor GasChemical”.

April 2011 - Participated in IV International Insurance Forum in Tashkent.
Held a briefing for mass media representatives dedicated to the 17th anniversary of Uzbekinvest NEIIC establishment.

May 2011 - Opened new branches in Tashkent city, Kashkadarya, Samarkand and Syrdarya regions in order to expand regional network.
Participated in the Berne Union Prague Club meeting in Phuket, Thailand.

June 2011 - Moody’s Investors Services Ltd’s confirmed Insurance company’s financial rating of B1 – Stable.
SAIPRO Rating Agency confirmed Company’s financial reliability at UzA++ level (Excellent Financial Reliability) – the highest rating on the national scale.

July 2011 – The Company conducted seminar on “Role of Insurance in Financial Services Provision for Small Business and Private Entrepreneurs” for the purpose of explaining advantages of insurance protection for small business and private entrepreneurs, including family business.

August 2011 - Held negotiations and signed cooperation agreement with KSURE within the framework of official visit of the Korean delegation to Uzbekistan.

September 2011 – Signed reinsurance agreement with KUKE (Poland).
Participated in International Yalta Financial Forum and delivered presentation on “Export-Import Risks Insurance Practice in Uzbekistan”.

October 2011 - Conducted seminar on “Principal Features of German Insurance Model” organized in collaboration with the Association of Professional Participants of Insurance Market and Xalq Sugurta Insurance company for the national insurance companies.
Participated in the International Industrial Fair and Cooperation Exchange.

November 2011 - Conducted seminar on “Strategy of Development and Improvement of Life Insurance Products” in collaboration with State Inspection of Insurance Control under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan and FALIA, Fund of Life Insurance Development (Japan)
Participated in Berne Union Prague Club meeting in Muscat, Oman

December 2011 - Opened Insurance Center in order to diversify the range and volume of services provided to population. Developed new insurance products for the population such as: “My Family”, “My House”, “My Car”, “My Health” and “My Business”.

January 2012 - Started to operate the Insurance Center, established to promote the Company's insurance services in the regions and increase in the volume of individuals and small business and private entrepreneurship.

July 2012 - Participated in the "Activities of Export Insurance Credit Agencies in the CIS Countries - the Locomotive of Development of Economic Relations between the States" round table in Moscow, where presentation on the company's activities was given and negotiations were held with the ECA of Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus.

September 2012 - Participated in the 5th Uzbek-Polish intergovernmental commission for economic cooperation meeting in Warsaw (Poland).

November 2012 - Held press conference dedicated to the company's activities within the "Family Year" State Program.

December 2012 - Received UZINFOCOM expert opinion about compliance of the new website with the requirements set with 90.7% rating (high level).

February - April 2013 - Carried out "Thousandth Client" marketing action among the clients -individuals – in the regions within implementation of Uzbekinvest NEIIC Action Plan on realization of the "Well-Being and Prosperity Year" State Program.

March 2013 - Participated with "Insurance of Export Operations" presentation in "Insurance and Business" seminar dedicated to the aspects of insurance in the entrepreneurial activities organized by "Solik-Info".

March 2013 - Held press conference at the National Press Center of Uzbekistan devoted to the Company's results in 2012 and activities planned within the "Wellbeing and Prosperity Year" State Program.

April 2013 - The Company took part in the VI Tashkent International Financial and Investment Forum where negotiations and bilateral meetings were held with forum participants (TRAST Rе, SKALA, LANARD, UNITE Rе, Malakut, and etc.) reaching agreements on further cooperation.

April 2013 - The Company took part in the VI Republican Fair of Innovative Ideas of Technologies and Projects at the exhibition areas of JS Uzexpocentre NEC.

May 2013 - The Company took part in the 32nd seminar held by Korean Re company in Seoul considering the urgent issues of reinsurance activity.

May 2013 - The company took part in the regular meeting of the Prague club in Prague.

July 2013 - The company was awarded the highest solvency rating by the national scale UzA ++ (Excellent financial reliability) by SAIPRO IRA on the basis of Company's results in 2012.

August 2013 - The Company’s specialists conducted negotiations in Beijing In order to establish and develop partnership relations with professional participants of insurance market of the People's Republic of China.

August 2013 - The company received confirmation of the international financial stability rating of insurer at B1 level with the "Stable" forecast from Moody's Investors Services Ltd. international rating agency (Great Britain).

September 2013 - In order to develop and strengthen cooperation, the company's specialists held negotiations with "Willis CIS Insurance broker" LLC and CJSC "Malakut Insurance Broker" in Moscow.

September 2013 - The Company took part in the XIII International Yalta Financial Forum in Yalta.

October 2013 - The Company took part in the organization and holding of Uzbek-Korean Business Forum on Financial Market Development hosted by the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

November 2013 - The Company took part in the XII annual meeting of reinsurance specialists in Moscow.

December 2013 - Held press conference at the National Press Center of Uzbekistan dedicated to the measures taken by Uzbekinvest on "Experience, Practice and Performance of Commitments" topic under the "Wellbeing and Prosperity Year" State Program.
In order to implement "Healthy Child Year" State program the Company has developed new insurance products at affordable prices for the population such as "Healthy Child", "Mother and Child" and "Careful Parents".

February 2014 - The representatives of the Company have studied new innovative insurance products and held negotiations with "Korean Re" reinsurance company in Seoul, Republic of Korea.

February 2014 - The Company successfully passed the supervisory audit for compliance of its quality management system with the requirements of the ISO 9001:2008 International Standard which was carried out by the SGS international certification body (Switzerland).

March 2014 - Held press conference at the National Press Center of Uzbekistan on the Company's results for 2013 and activities planned within "Healthy Child Year" State Program.

April 2014 - held press conference at the National Press Center on "Uzbekinvest - 20 years in the insurance market” topic.

April 2014 - The Company took part in the VII Republican Fair of Innovative Ideas, Technologies and Projects.

May 2014 - held seminar for those responsible for office work in territorial branches on "Culture of Record Keeping, Control of the Executive Discipline and Organization of Departmental Archive Work" where the Law on Claims of Citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the rules for registration of citizens' claims and period of responding, filling out the tables, placing and storing documents in the departmental archive.

June 2014 - Within the framework of the official visit of the President of the Republic of Korea to Uzbekistan, Uzbekinvest NEIIC and KSure (Korea) have signed Memorandum of Understanding between the parties that stipulates for cooperation in projects affecting the interests of both countries, including reinsurance of projects of joint Uzbek - Korean enterprises in the third countries.

June 2014 - The Company participated in the regular meeting of the Prague Club of the International Union of Export Credit and Investment Insurers, Berne Union (Slovenia, Ljubljana). Bilateral meetings were held with heads and representatives of export credit agencies - Kazexportgarant, SID (Slovenia), KUKE (Poland), EXIAR (Russia), EGAP (Czech Republic) and ECIC SA (South Africa) in order to establish business contacts and discuss the respectives for cooperation in the field of insurance and reinsurance.

June 2014 - held bilateral negotiations in Moscow with representatives of “SOGAZ”, “Willis CIS Insurance Broker” and “Malakut Insurance Broker” discussing the issues of continuing cooperation in the project of insurance of Lukoil Uzbekistan Operating Company Ltd. risks and a number of outstanding other large projects implemented by its contractors.

July 2014 – awarded "UzA ++" (Excellent financial reliability) rating, the highest solvency rating by the national scale, by SAIPRO IRA following the Company's results for 2013.

August 2014 - The company received confirmation of the international financial stability rating of insurer at B1 level with the "Stable" forecast from Moody's Investors Services Ltd. international rating agency (Great Britain).

September 2014 - the Company's specialists took part in the aviation insurance training in London (UK) organized by United Insurance Brokers Ltd. reinsurance broker.

October 2014 - The Company took part in the VIII International Industrial Fair and Cooperation Exchange, at the exhibition areas of the Uzexpocentre NEC.

November 2014 - Representative of the Company participated in the Risk Management seminar held in Yokohama (Japan) organized by the FALIA Foundation.
Representative of the Company took part in the "Pro Wine China 2014" international exhibition in Shanghai (China).

December 2014 - held press conference dedicated to the interim results of Uzbekinvest NEIIC in 2014 and the results of implementing of "Healthy Child Year" State Program.

February 2015 – Company’s representatives took part in training course organized by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan for export credit agencies in Tokyo (Japan) as well as in aviation insurance training organized by the United Insurance Brokers Ltd. reinsurance broker in London (Great Britain).

February 2015 - The Company successfully passed the supervisory audit for compliance of its quality management system with the requirements of the ISO 9001:2008 International Standards which was carried out by the SGS international certification body (Switzerland).

May 2015 - representatives of the Company took part in the regular meeting of the Prague Club of the Berne Union organized by the export credit agency of Italy - SACE - in Florence (Italy).

May 2015 - presented "E’tibor"- new product of Uzbekinvest NEIIC - developed within "Attention and Care for the Elder Generation Year" program at Tashkent city hall.

June 2015 - signed reinsurance agreement between Uzbekinvest NEIIC and Beleximgarant to implement the Minutes of the fourth meeting of Joint Intergovernmental Commission on bilateral cooperation between the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Republic of Belarus.

June 2015 - confirmed "UzA ++" (Excellent financial reliability) rating by the national scale by SAIPRO Information Rating Agency.

July-August 2015 – Company’s representatives took part in “The course of Product Strategy Development" training organized by Japan Foundation for the Development of Life Insurance (FALIA) in Yokohama, Japan.

August 2015 - Moody's Investors Services Ltd. international rating agency (Great Britain) confirmed the international financial stability rating of insurer at B1 level with the "Stable" forecast from.

September 2015 - participated in "The Strategy for Loss Regulation in Russia and CIS" conference organized by the Uniglobal company in the field of knowledge sharing.

November 2015 - held negotiations with representatives of Tokyo Marine & Nichido Fire Insurance Co Ltd., to discuss conditions of insurance coverage for Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, the winner of the chemical complex construction project in Navoiy region tender.