Medical Institutions Liability Insurance

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Under the insurance agreement there can be insured:

Property interests of the Insured related to the risk of the Insured’s professional liability arising towards the Patient(s).

The insurance event is:

The occurrence of the Insured’s professional liability towards the Patient (prosecution of the Insured for compensation of harm caused to the life and health of the Patient) directly related to provision of services under professional medical activities of the Insured and resulted in death, disability, injury to the Patient due to professional error or negligence (unfortunate use of professional knowledge and skills in bona fide, prudent and competent approach in performing the duties) within insurance period.

The procedure for insurance indemnity payment:

The insurance indemnity is paid based on court decision or conclusion of the expert commission under the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan confirming the Insured’s liability towards the patient.

Within the limit of liability for each insurance event, the insurance indemnity is defined in the amount of:

- the sum necessary to restore the Patient’s health - in case of causing damage/ harm to the Patient’s health;

- the entire sum of the Limit of Liability under each insurance event – in case of the Patient’s death;

-  court expenses assigned to the Insured by the court except for penalties (fines, penalties) – in case of the Insured’s choice of the Limit of Liability for expenses related to legal protection.

The Company shall pay insurance indemnity within 15 (fifteen) days from the date of signing the Act on Insurance Event by transferring to the Insured’s bank account.