«Uzbekinvest» Insurance Company and «Chartered Insurance Institute» (London) sign a Memorandum of Co-operation to boost professional standards in Uzbekistan

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In June 2024, during a visit by the delegation of «Uzbekinvest» to London, a Memorandum of Co-operation was signed with the management of the «Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) to bring about closer collaboration between the two entities.  

The collaboration will see Uzbeki insurance professionals benefiting from the organisation’s internationally recognised training and qualifications and the boosting of professional standards in the country.

The «Chartered Insurance Institute» was founded in 1912 and is a global educational institution in the field of insurance, whose qualifications and certificates are recognised worldwide.

The agreement could entail the CII establishing an Approved Professional Development Centre (APDC) at one of the country’s universities in Tashkent. These Centres, which the CII has established across the globe, provide trainers that have been CII accredited, along with learning and study materials created by the organization which has King Charles III as its patron. 

The CII offers qualifications across multiple levels, from entry-level certificates to advanced professional designations. The highest level of qualification offered by the CII is a prestigious and internationally recognised designation that signifies a high level of expertise and professionalism in the insurance industry.

If realised, the establishment of a CII backed APDC will significantly expand opportunities for professional development and retraining of insurance personnel in Uzbekistan in accordance with the highest standards of education and obtaining relevant international certificates.

It is expected that the first educational programs and courses will start in the fourth quarter of 2024.