«Uzbekinvest» has successfully passed the international audit ISO 9001:2015

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The international certification body CERT International (Slovakia) has confirmed the compliance of Uzbekinvest Insurance company with the requirements of the international standard ISO 9001:2015.
ISO 9001:2015 is a globally recognized quality management standard and the certificate indicates a high level of reliability of the company and compliance of the services provided with international standards.
The next supervisory audit was conducted by the international certification body CERT International (Slovakia).

During the audit, the following strengths of the company's operation were noted:
- Availability of young competent staff;
- Continuous improvement of business processes;
- Demonstration of leadership by management in matters of the management system.

The recertification of the quality management system according to ISO 9001:2015 standards is a confirmation that the quality of services provided is considered by Uzbekinvest as a strategic basis for development, competitiveness and ensuring leading positions in the insurance market of the republic, increasing the efficiency of insurance activities, rational use of available financial, technical and human resources and optimization of the company's management system.

In May 2023, the International rating agency Moody's Investors Service (USA) raised the forecast for the financial stability rating of the Uzbekinvest insurance company to the level of "Positive", "Ba3".
Also, in April 2024, the International Rating Agency A.M. Best Company Inc. (USA) officially announced an increase in the financial stability rating of the Uzbekinvest insurance company to the BB level with a "Stable" outlook.